Find and Replace with Regex
August 15, 2019

Find and Replace with Regex
Requires Python 3.6+

import re

TEST_STRING = "Hello <name>! Welcome to <place_name>. The date is <date2today>." \
              "<place_name> is a great place."

def find_replace(string, pattern=r"<(\w+)>", **values):
    matched_result = re.finditer(pattern, string)

    for match in matched_result:
        value = values.get(match)
        if value is not None:
            string = re.sub(f"<{match}>", f"<{value}>", string)

    return string

if __name__ == '__main__':
    new_string = find_replace(TEST_STRING, name="World", place_name="Nigeria", 
                          date2today="February 14, 2019")
    # 'Hello <World>! Welcome to <Nigeria>. The date is <February 14, 2019>. <Nigeria> is a great place.'

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